Digital transformation
Business facing digital transformation
Digital transformation is one of the main trends that define the changes in modern business. A vast majority of companies already see its potential and increase the scope of introducing and using solutions based on digital technologies, implement innovative services and processes increasing work efficiency..
Digital transformation in a company means not only using new tools, but often also a change in the company’s business model. It is a comprehensive process at the crossroads of many departments and functions in the company. This requires not only focusing on the digital aspects of change, but also a broad view of process management within the organization and the underlying relationships.
Our team provides support for digital transformation in terms of process optimization, selection of teamwork tools and employee training – both in project management methodologies and in using these tools across teams.
Project Management Office
Implementation of complex projects, requiring the involvement of the organization’s employees on many levels, is associated with the need to efficiently manage tasks at every stage of the project, control expenses and prevent unforeseen obstacles that may arise. For this reason, project management can require the creation of a special unit within the organization, i.e. the Project Management Office, and implementing necessary project management tools.
IT9 team provides support at every stage of implementing the project strategy in the organization – during the analysis of current project management methods, guidance in implementation tools and the assignment of appropriate roles within the Project Management Office.
Agile project management
Robotic Process Automation, czyli Zrobotyzowana Automatyzacja Procesów, polega na automatyzacji powtarzalnych procesów biznesowych za pomocą odpowiedniego oprogramowania, które wykonuje powtarzalne czynności w taki sam sposób co człowiek. Pozwala to nie tylko na odciążenie pracowników od wykonywania powtarzalnych zadań, ale także na eliminację błędów. Nasze roboty oparte są o technologię UiPath, zaś najczęstsze obszary, które automatyzujemy to procesy back- office w administracji: księgowość, windykacja czy fakturowanie.
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0, often referred to as the modern industrial revolution, is the integration of intelligent machines, systems and changes in production processes. That leads to increased production efficiency and better use of resources in the industry. It means not only the robots that are physically present on production lines, but also technologies and tools that form the binder between individual elements of the process, from design to assembly and logistics. These processes are supported by new technologies – the use of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence or the Internet of Things as well as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is becoming more and more common. Our team provides not only consulting services in the use of new technologies, but also designs and implements software solutions supporting the work of robots in industry.
Blog – Digital transformation
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