Tax technology
The potential of using technology in taxes is noticed by both business and the legislator. This means the expanding scope of tax data reporting by means of electronic communication, which is reflected, for example, in obligations related to JPK (Polish equivalent of SAF-T Standard Audit File for Tax), “White List” of VAT taxpayers or electronic financial statements. The clash of the tax function in a company with the world of technology also brings challenges, such as the need to provide appropriate data of the correct and timely completion of reports required by law. Our solution package “Tax Technology” is a set of tools that make meeting tax reporting obligations not only easier, but also eliminates the risk of incorrectly filled data.
Excise records
Beginning 2022, keeping excise records will be possible only in electronic form. Our application will allow you to use two options for adding entries: adding individual entries or daily data import and their conversion into separate entries in the records.
Excise declarations
The amendment to the Excise Tax Act states that from July 1, 2021, excise declarations may be made only in electronic form, according to the specific structure of the electronic file. See our dedicated application designed to streamline the process of creating the AKC-4 declaration with attachments.
“Alcohol Tax”
Applies to alcoholic beverages (regardless of type) sold in packages up to 300 ml. See the tool prepared by our team to facilitate reporting to the tax office.
“Sugar Tax”
Since January 2021, Polish taxpayers are obliged to pay a new tax, referred to as the “sugar tax”. Under the new regulations, taxpayers are required to submit CUK-1 declarations on a monthly basis. Our team has prepared a tool to simplify and automate the application process.
JPK_V7 tests
Due diligence in tax settlements is of utmost importance for every company. In the face of the constantly growing requirements imposed by the Ministry of Finance, accuracy and reliability in the documentation sent to the tax office is increasingly challenging. Thanks to the combination of our specialized IT tests and the advice of experienced tax experts, it is possible to reduce the risk of sending incorrect data in JPK files, significantly reducing the risk of tax audits or penal fiscal proceedings.
Creating JPK_V7
Until now, companies were required to report monthly JPK_VAT file and to submit VAT declarations on a quarterly or monthly basis. This resulted in additional reporting obligations for entrepreneurs, generating additional time spent on preparing declarations and JPK_VAT. The assumption of JPK_V7 is to combine JPK_VAT with an electronic VAT declaration. This idea allowed for the creation of a new structure, which is JPK_V7M (monthly reporting) and JPK_V7K (quarterly reporting), commonly known as JPK_VDEK.
Are you interested in implementation in your company?
Control and correction of PIT/CIT
Late payment of receivables or lack of payments is a common problem for businesses. For this reason, new regulations have been introduced in the Polish tax system, concerning (inter alia) obligatory PIT/CIT adjustment related to missed payment deadlines in commercial transactions and the need to prepare a report on the payment deadlines applied.
List of VAT taxpayers – “White List”
The list of VAT taxpayers, also known as the “White List”, is a new, official and public register kept by the Polish tax administration to provide information on VAT payers. A failure to verify the bank account number in the list may result in sanctions. Our team provides support in the implementation of obligations related to the white list, both from the side of securing legal and tax risks, as well as from the operational side.
Electronic Financial Statements (e-SF)
Electronic financial statements, commonly referred to as ‘e-SF’ or ‘JPK_SF’ are financial statements that are sent in electronic form, in an appropriate logical XML structure.
The blog – Tax technology
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